Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Orange-pineapple Smoothie

Orange-Pineapple Smoothie
This is one of my favorite smoothies of all time. It makes me so full and it also gives me the energy I need to carry on with my morning.


1 apple 
2 oranges 
1 cup of coconut milk 
1 cup if frozen pineapples 
1 tablespoon of chia seed 
2 tablespoon of ground flaxseed 


  • Place all the ingredients in the blender
  • Add more coconut milk to reach the desired consistency.
I add the chia seed at the end, but you can also blend them. 


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Welcome to my Blog

Hello everyone,

My name is Lina and I would like to welcome you to my blog. I am very passionate about eating healthy, taking care of my body, and nourishing my soul. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to start sharing my passions with my friends, family and everyone that is willing to make a change in the New Year.
A lot has changed my life in the past 4 months, my fiancé and I moved from Arizona to Florida. We left everything behind to start fresh in the Sunshine State. Since we moved, my life has changed completely; I was  so focused on starting a career that I lost myself. I stopped working out and again, went back to eating processed foods, eating out a lot, and neglecting my nutrition. There were other things that were a priority in my life such as finding a job. I felt so unbalanced and depressed, I knew something was missing. I promised myself that in this new year I was going to go back to my healthy habits and make time to go to the gym. Although I have a crazy schedule I know I can do it, like I have done it in the past.

By sharing my recipes and tips I will be able share my one of my biggest passions in life. At the same time it will help me go through this transition period in my life.  I know that life is not always easy and everyone have their own struggles, but the most important thing is to stay positive and to know that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I am so excited to share my experiences and my tips with everyone, Welcome again, and stay tuned for more.